Yes, my sweet, darling Avayah got ahold of a pair of scissors and gave herself one styling (NOT) do! After I survived my heart attack...and yes said a few profanities and shed a few tears, we had to end up cutting her hair off into a bob. So now unless I sweep her hair over to the side she looks like a child rocking a mullet to the fullest, because she hacked her bangs to the roots.
But in the moment of it all as I sat on the floor of my bathroom, holding my sweet girl in my lap while we both cried, it was a moment burned in me that I will savor.
As she sat craddled in my lap, crying her eyes out (big alligator tears streaming down her hot cheeks) saying over and over that she didn't want short hair. In her words, "Momma, please I don't want short hair...please momma" Right then I was helpless, it was out of my control to make her hair magically grow back on her head. But in that moment, even though I couldn't grow her hair, I was able to cup her face and tell her how beautiful she was-with or without long hair! Ah...these moments are priceless!
I do miss her long hair-which took 3 1/2 years to grow out), but I adore her new look too!