Monday, March 30, 2009

Sneak Peek

Sorry I have been neglecting the blog lately...we have done so much this past couple of weeks and frankly I have not been able to keep up!

Here's an overview of our last couple of weeks.....Steve, Melanie (aka Pawpaw & Gramma) & Tay came back for about 4 days for Spring Break! Avayah & Addy got to spend some quality time with their grandparents..while Mom went and had a few drinks (I'm KIDDING!) Granted if they did live closer I would definitely have more Mommy days!

Vay got to go to the zoo with them and got to travel down to Clinton to see lots of family too! Trav got to "get a lure wet" with his Dad & brother all day Sunday! Spring Break was definitely FUN! We were so busy the whole time that believe it or not camera happy me did not snap one pic! =(

Avayah has been going to dance and getting ready for her Dance Recital on May 30th. Their outfits are beyond cute, they are doing a dance to Mary Poppins!!! Vay is really excited!

Addy had her 9 month check-up too. She weighed in at 19 lbs 13 oz! She was 28 inches long! Life has definitely been busy since Adalynne started being mobile! She is a crawling machine...and she pulls up on any and everything...and she can walk behind push carts too! She crys when she sees food and you don't share, and she has definitely starting to show some of her diva personality!

And I recently painted Avayah's room. I have been back & forth about what to her I started and this is what I have so's just a sneak peek until I'm done! I have a long honey do list for Trav!

1 comment:

Unknown said...