Saturday, August 7, 2010

Camping....sort of

So after Travis and I spent the weekend of our 6 year anniversary at Lake Murray camping back in July...Avayah has been begging to go "camping" after she saw the tent! Well let's just say a 4 & 2 year old, plus a 6' 2" daddy & 36 week pregnant mommy don't make for a real camping all!
So....mommy's solution...

Yes, this is our tent set up INSIDE of our living room! Original plan was for Dad & Vay to camp in the backyard, but the sprinkler and pool soaked the the party was relocated inside!

The girls had a blas, even though Mommy & Addy both bailed for mom's king size pillow top matress! But we all had so much fun staying up late & having smores, reading an endless amount of the girlies books, and rolling on the air mattress! What precious memories!!

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