Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sassy's first day of Pre-K!

A couple of weeks ago Avayah started Pre-K here in Ada and she is loving it (maybe not the early bedtimes or mornings so much :/)! Here in Ada they attend all day, which has been a severe adjustment for each member of our family.

After having her home with me for almost 5 years I'm definitely in a weird place in life. I feel like we just started a race and I'm so worried that we're going to run too quickly or it's just plain going to pass by too fast and after blinking she is going to be in high school. I know someone people would say, "get a grip", but it's is definitely in turbo speed these days. So I'm left wanting to grasp to the days when she was two and in her squeaky little voice she'd ask me what we were going to do today...I want to savor every moment of my girls' childhood. This is why I do this blog, take five million pictures, and pray endlessly at night for my true little loves.

Poor Adalynne still asks about 5 times a day, "where Laya Mom?" And Amelia might be a little more content to not get picked up and bobbled as much though :) But Avayah really has adjusted well, she is a fast adapter! The future is looking bright for her and I'm so excited to see her grow and learn...

Getting ready to head to school!

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