Saturday, April 23, 2011


This morning the girls and I, along with Grammi and Grandpa attended Eggapalooza 2011. It was fun, although it rained--the girls were cold, soaked, muddy, and only managed to scoop up 5 eggs total--out of the 10, 000 they dropped from a helicopter. It was an experience, but I'm glad we went! Memory made! :)

To get warm again, Grammi and Grandpa took the girls and I to Chili's for some lunch! There's not much more I love than being around the table, laughing with those I love! Thank you to Grammi and Grandpa for spending this special day with us!! We love you!

Grammi, Grandpa, Amelia, Adalynne & Avayah

The helicopter dropping 10, 000 eggs!

Oh so patiently waiting!

Adalynne, Amelia & Mommy

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